Ark of the Covenant — Exodus 25:10-11


            1. The ark of the covenant (with the Mercy Seat on top) was in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle.


            2. Ark of the Covenant speaks of redemption: Christ paid for our sins.


            3. The ark was a box made of acacia wood and overlaid with God.

                        Wood speaks of the humanity of Christ.

                        Gold speaks of the deity of Christ.


            4. Ark of the Covenant was a picture of Christ bearing our sins — Box represents Christ.


            5. Inside of the box are three things which represent sin:

                        a) The Tables of law: Sin in the sense of violation or transgression of God’s order.

                        b) Pot o Manna: Rejection of God’s provision.

                        c) Aaron’s rod that budded: Revolt against God’s authority (Levitical tribe)


                        2 Corinthians 5:21 — “He who knew no sin was made sin for us.”


            6. Over the top of the box was a Mercy Seat (a solid gold throne) and on each end of the throne was a cherub (highest ranking of all angels).


            7. 1st cherub represented the absolute righteousness (+R) of God.

                2nd cherub represented the justice of God.


            8. +R looks down and condemns — Romans 3:23.

                   Justice looks down and places a penalty — Romans 6:23.


            9. Once a year on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest went twice (once for himself and once for the people) into the Holy of Holies, and sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice on the altar over the top of the Mercy Seat.


            10. +R looks at the blood (which spoke of Jesus’ spiritual death) and was satisfied.


            11. Justice looks at the blood and was satisfied (Christ being judged for us).


            12. We have in the Ark and Mercy Seat a picture of God’s satisfaction with the work of Jesus Christ (Propitiation) or the divine viewpoint of salvation. +R and Justice are satisfied.